Kerston Crawford-Thorns

 When you grow up in a family passionate about food, it’s only natural to inherit that passion. Kerston Crawford-Thorns' culinary journey began at the age of six, standing beside her grandmother, Pearlie Mae, making cornbread. As Kerston recalls, “I could remember the warm, sweet, buttery scent that almost suffocated you every minute until it was done.”

In many cultures, food tells stories, bridges generations, and is the centerpiece of family gatherings. For Kerston, her cooking is more than just about flavors – it's about memories, lessons, and the deep Southern roots that shape her culinary style.

From the infamous sweet potato pie to the decadent six-cheese macaroni and cheese, Pearlie Mae introduced her granddaughter to dishes that would define her future. Beyond the recipes, Pearlie Mae instilled a philosophy that true cooking is an art. It's about the nuances of smell, the perfection of taste, and the feel of ingredients – things that can't be dictated by a mere written recipe. “It’s from the soul,” Pearlie Mae would often say, emphasizing that food is not just sustenance, but also comfort, kinship, and a sprinkle of laughter on a plate.

Inspired by these teachings and eager to continue her family's culinary legacy, 2018 saw Kerston launching Pearlie’s Southern Kitchen. A testament to her expertise and the brand’s potential, Pearlie’s Southern Kitchen was invited to the Cohort for Fairs, Festivals, and Expos for the State Fair of Texas in Dallas, TX. Pearlie's did not just participate; it stood out. So much so, it became the first graduate of the CFFE program to be a food vendor at the State Fair of Texas.

Fast forward to today, and Kerston's creations have been recognized on national television. Shows like Carnival Eats have featured dishes like Deep-Fried Collard Greens, Smoked Turkey, and Gouda Soul Rolls. Kelly Clarkson herself showcased Pearlie’s signature dish, the "Deep Fried Potato Salad" on the Kelly Clarkson Show.

The future looks bright and flavorful for Kerston and Pearlie’s Southern Kitchen. With plans to launch a Mobile Food Trailer next year, she aims to bring her grandmother's recipes to more people through catering events, fairs, and exhibitions. You can stay updated with all her culinary adventures on social media under the handle, Pearlie’s Southern Kitchen.

Outside the kitchen, Kerston finds joy in the company of her family. With her husband Shawn Thorns, a fellow culinary enthusiast and pit master, and their children, Dayvion and London Thorns, the culinary legacy is bound to continue for generations.

Kerston Crawford-Thorns is a testament to how family traditions and passions can shape one's future. From a young girl learning the art of cooking from her grandmother to the founder of a renowned food brand, her journey is a delectable blend of love, legacy, and Southern flavors. As Pearlie Mae believed, cooking is from the soul, and Kerston surely puts her soul into every dish she crafts. Whether you're savoring her dishes or following her culinary escapades online, with Pearlie’s Southern Kitchen, you're always in for a treat.

 Kerston Crawford-Thorns 
CEO, Pearlie’s Southern Kitchen 

Pearlie's Southern Kitchen, Inc. has been certified by the North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency
(“NCTRCA”)as a MBE/WBE/SBE under the following commodity codes/area(s) of specialty: